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GIS Resources

GIS Resources for Your Classroom

  • How to use a geoinquiry (storymap) that contains links to all geoinquireis, student worksheet, and video instructions

  • Slowing Malaria geoinquiry

    • YouTube instructional video​ provided by Camoponovo:

Our Tennessee Geographic Alliance Hub for MEGA:BITESS:

Link to our YouTube Playlist for Tutorials: 

Tennessee Geographic Data Portal: Are you ready to start incorporating geospatial technology in your curriculum but don't know where to start? We've compiled a variety of resources for you to use to help get you started. For data specifically related to MEGA:BITESS, see the links below. 

Please use the following links to access georeferenced data related to LACE.

  • LACE Cases by County: This data set depicts the number of cases of La Crosse Encephalitis in Tennessee and North Carolina counties from 2003 - 2018. La Crosse data was compiled from ArboNET. Polygons are from the US Census.

Medical Entomology & Geospatial Analyses:
Bringing Innovation To Teacher Education & Surveillance Studies

Preventing La Crosse Infections in Tennessee Children

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